Friday, 29 January 2010

What do you think?

This is the complete rant that I sent to David Cameron's office. It is not edited, well, apart from my name but I'm sure people can find me if they really wanted to! I shall publish their reply very shortly.

Dear Mr Cameron,

I write to you, not seriously expecting to get a reply, but really just out of desperation, to see if there is anything that you can say to me, that will give me any comfort at all. I am born and bred here in the UK. My father farmed all his life, and my mother cleaned the local school. I have an older brother, and whilst we didn't have an awful lot as children, we were loved, cared for and brought up properly, to respect others and to "behave!" My brother is now Head of Faculty at a 6th form college, I am head of PR & Marketing at a Manchester Law firm - and I run a charity for The Christie, supporting and fund raising for research into malignant melanoma, my husband is in the motor trade, he was made redundant last year, after 40 years continuous work - he's managed to find work again fortunately, - in other words, Mr Cameron, we worked hard, very hard. My two children are 24 and 20 - the eldest graduated with a good degree and now lives in France, my younger child works in admin at a law firm and is a keen footballer - coaching, referreeing and helping a children's team. I'm sure you get the picture, we are a decent, hard working family.

Nearly 4 years ago, we bought a house close to a park..... big, huge mistake. We have been plagued by youths ever since - the house has been vandalised, cars broken into, recently a car was blown up across the road - this isn't a sink estate - it is just in an area where, because it is parkland nearby, it seems to attract idiots. I have MS (fortunately in control) but I do need good rest to enable me to function. I don't often get it - people will get drunk in the park from 7pm until the early hours.

We have done everything we can to try and change things, cooperated with the policed (who at times don't want to know, or don't even bother to turn up) the local council, who say they "do their best" - Mr Cameron, I will be honest with you, I have NEVER voted anything other than Labour, all my life - I now feel that Britain is broken - I think we live in a lawless society and I need to know what your party are looking to do to change the lives of people like me. I look forward to hearing from you


Friday, 8 January 2010

Bit of progress

As I said, I contacted the Conservative representatives in my area and as they promised, someone called me the other evening. As soon as he said his name, I realised that I knew him. He was a very old friend of my father's and I've known him since I was a little girl. After chatting with him and explaining the situation to him, he said he would do what he could to help. He was aware of the problems in the area and has promised to see if he can do anything. I'm not expecting miracles, but hey.

I asked him what he had to say to me that would convince me that an alternative government would make a difference and all he really had to say was that the Tories have a very different view of law and order than their opponents. But do they? And even if they do, what can they do that is going to make any difference to the likes of me and other people like me?

Anyway, I'm just about to do a bit of research into dispersal orders, or whatever they're called - only I've asked about them before and been told "no chance" - so what they hell are they for then?

So, happy new year and all that rubbish. How fabulous is this snow? The only kids in the park at the moment are kids on sledges with their parents - marvellous. I love it. No dick heads in the park at 2am in sub zero temperatures. Albeit they are such thick twats around here, nothing would surprise me.

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Use of the word "Christmas"

I don't know how to link other sites to this - but how mad is this?


So, lets see where this year takes us. (Load of crap isn't it, New Year?) Suddenly midnight comes and everyone turns nicer than they were 5 minute previously, and then making decisions to do something a bit different, blah blah, big yawn.

Still waiting for the Tory guy to get back to me, maybe he is busy getting his expenses straightened out, so I've yet to establish their plans for law and order should they win the next election.

The snow's been fucking great however, kept the little bastards indoors!!!! Wonderful! Winters of 30 years ago, more of the same please!