Friday, 29 January 2010

What do you think?

This is the complete rant that I sent to David Cameron's office. It is not edited, well, apart from my name but I'm sure people can find me if they really wanted to! I shall publish their reply very shortly.

Dear Mr Cameron,

I write to you, not seriously expecting to get a reply, but really just out of desperation, to see if there is anything that you can say to me, that will give me any comfort at all. I am born and bred here in the UK. My father farmed all his life, and my mother cleaned the local school. I have an older brother, and whilst we didn't have an awful lot as children, we were loved, cared for and brought up properly, to respect others and to "behave!" My brother is now Head of Faculty at a 6th form college, I am head of PR & Marketing at a Manchester Law firm - and I run a charity for The Christie, supporting and fund raising for research into malignant melanoma, my husband is in the motor trade, he was made redundant last year, after 40 years continuous work - he's managed to find work again fortunately, - in other words, Mr Cameron, we worked hard, very hard. My two children are 24 and 20 - the eldest graduated with a good degree and now lives in France, my younger child works in admin at a law firm and is a keen footballer - coaching, referreeing and helping a children's team. I'm sure you get the picture, we are a decent, hard working family.

Nearly 4 years ago, we bought a house close to a park..... big, huge mistake. We have been plagued by youths ever since - the house has been vandalised, cars broken into, recently a car was blown up across the road - this isn't a sink estate - it is just in an area where, because it is parkland nearby, it seems to attract idiots. I have MS (fortunately in control) but I do need good rest to enable me to function. I don't often get it - people will get drunk in the park from 7pm until the early hours.

We have done everything we can to try and change things, cooperated with the policed (who at times don't want to know, or don't even bother to turn up) the local council, who say they "do their best" - Mr Cameron, I will be honest with you, I have NEVER voted anything other than Labour, all my life - I now feel that Britain is broken - I think we live in a lawless society and I need to know what your party are looking to do to change the lives of people like me. I look forward to hearing from you



  1. The letter I've been meaning to write to Cameron for about a year. But didn't get round to it. Well done you for doing it. There are now a lot of working class people who've had enough of the failure of the government to carry out its first duty - to protect the hard-working citizens in their daily lives.

    In truth, though, I don't think Cameron or his party have got the guts to do what's needed. Look at the way that they can't even give a proper statement in support of the family.

  2. Hi - I'm an ex-cop (long ago - GMP mostly). We've just had 7 years of hell due to GMP and Council bungling. They effectively kept putting us in harm's way and beat us up as victims. The vile swine (drugs, violence, noise, damage, harassment, arson) have moved on, needless to say causing the same problems down the road. Now GuMP is failing on racist matters round the corner.
    Tories no use. Like you lifelong Labour. Never again.

  3. We had 7 years and nearly went under. My partner was an IPCC investigator. The complaints' systems are useless and designed to be so. There seems no way out. PSD and IPCC are actually cruel. Same applies to Council complaints and the so-called Ombudsmen services. Our MP is part of the problem and should be deselected for what he has done and not done. Local Councilors worse. You can try the courts but this is more or less impossible.
    It would be good to take some kind of 'class action'. I've just started blogging for the same reason as you. 'allcoppedout' googles to my place at wordpress.
    It's clear from a myriad of cop blogs that this is a national problem. Anything from this government is crap - Victims' Code and all the rest. My MP actually threatened us and told us, saying he'd deny it in future, to move house. By then we couldn't work or afford to move and our house was worthless owing to the scum next door (brilliant neighbours now).

  4. Did you get any further forward with your CPT ?

    I'd be interested in what response you got


  5. CPT SOC? Qu'est-ce que c'est?

  6. Bugger! Should have got that one Stressed. Yes is the answer. Our C3PO turned up just as I was off to the dentist and he is doing some stuff such as helping with some scuzzers' homework and trying to involve other agencies he seems to think are reluctant to help and hindered by such stuff as clocking off when they might do something useful on the street. He's a nice guy and I might try and just a 'funny money' project going with him if I can find any energy.
    Our local Bobby has been too (another decent cop) and explained some procedural screw-up over the racially related case and suggested our grandson takes part in a video interview over same. They managed to allow an assault charge to lapse due to the racist connection and some prat who was reviewing it. I suspect from what has been said they don't understand the racist bit too well and think the 'race card' is being played by the Asian family.
    All too slow and lacking collation and effective plan to safeguard the victims.
    I suspect a number of crimes have already not been 'crimed'.
