Thursday, 18 March 2010

Summer is coming.... Aaaaannndddd we're off.

I was getting ready for work this morning, my husband shouted goodbye up the stairs to me and my son. Within 5 minutes he was back in the house, cursing like a good 'un. "Fucking little bastards" was the gist of it.

I asked him what had happened, knowing full well it would have something to do with a nice bit of "low level crime". "Some little bastard has broken into my car" They'd smashed the door lock and nicked his work jacket off the back seat! Worth about £40 if that. Obviously didn't have the skills required to lift the radio or actually drive the fucking thing away.

He works about 30 miles away so didn't have the time to ring the police and be left on hold for half an hour.

He rang them this evening and the conversation went something like this:-

Operator - Greater Manchester Police
Him - Control room for Oldham please
(almost 20 minutes go by before it is picked up - eventually it gets answered)
Him - Need to report a break in to my car please.
Operator starts to take details, but when he tells her it happened this morning, she gets arsey and says "why has it taken you this long to report it?"
Him "Because unlike the scrotes who did it, I work for a living and I had 30 miles to drive - I only get half an hour lunch break so I couldn't spare the time to sit and wait for someone to answer - now are you going to take the details or aren't you?"

Half an hour later someone calls back and he explains the shit situation we are in, how the police actually don't give a shiny fucking shite how many times our house is targeted, our cars are damaged, our sleep is disturbed and guess what? The woman who rang is "really concerned" that we think we are not being taken seriously and our queries are never dealt with and she is "sending an officer round" Fuck me, I am glad that I am going out shortly because I would end up getting myself arrested. Because I would be telling whichever "couldn't give a shit officer" who cares to call round, that I am going to buy a gun and I when I am pushed over the edge, unlike Fiona Pilkington I won't be killing members of my family, I will be going outside and I will be killing the fucking bastard kids (and their parents if I get the chance) who are responsible for all the shit that goes on around here.

Fucking Greater Manchester Police - what a complete and utter waste of fucking space you all are - I shall find out how much of my council tax relates to police work and fucking deduct it from next year's bill. You have done fuck all to even try to make my life any easier - and you fucking deserve every bit of bad press that you get.

1 comment:

  1. You're right - lighter evenings bring them out.

    Feel Sorry for you - how did you get on re - the kids playground gettting looked at or relocated?
