Sunday, 20 December 2009

Quick update

In France with my daughter at the moment, prior to me leaving, I did hear from the local conservative MP who will get s omeone to contact me. Once he does I`ll show him this and see what he makes of it.

Monday, 14 December 2009

I'm never usually wrong.....

But when I am, I'm the first to admit it. (Not like a woman mm?)

When I first started writing this a few weeks ago, I didn't expect anyone else to see it. I wanted it to be seen and I stuck it on a couple of other websites in a fit of pique, hoping some police officers would react to it, but to be honest, I didn't think many people would read it and I was simply intending it to be a way of venting my spleen every time the "little fuckers" started their carryings on outside the house. I'd gotten myself in that much of a state about it, I actually rang a police pal of mine and asked him what would happen if I got a real gun and took it out to them (not loaded of course, albeit the temptation would have been so great) - He told me I'd be arrested and I'd not be treated lightly. Fucking great. I decided ranting on here would help!

I began by saying what a load of old bollocks the Police Pledge is (and I still think it leaves you guys exposed) however, judging from some of the comments on here, it seems that my attitude is not dissimilar to most peoples, the police aren't doing a brilliant job in my eyes, but I understand more now, that they are pretty hamstrung by stupid legislation, the complexities of paper work and the lack of support from the Courts.

All that said, I've been told by a few people to approach my MP - I have done this previously, but hey, why not try again?

I am still convinced we are living in lawless society, I fear for children of good, decent families, I fear for the safety of the elderly and vulnerable and I also fear for the safety of police officers. I now fully appreciate that there are times when you simply can't get to a call out because you don't have enough men on the ground, and ultimately a gang of "little fuckers" pissing me off so much I could cry, is never going to be put above a stabbing or a rape, and I'd never expect it to. What I do expect though, is when I do make a call and you do manage to get there, that I am spoken to in a manner that you'd expect to be spoken to yourselves.

If you came into my office and asked me to assist you with your divorce case, I wouldn't start to question you and ask why you were getting a divorce, ask you if you've been a bit of a git with your spouse, (actually I wouldn't do anything because I do PR & Marketing!!) but I'm sure you appreciate the point I'm trying to make.

Sunday, 13 December 2009

The general feeling is that the country is fucked

If I read all the serving and ex police officers correctly, you lot are all of the same voice - not only is your job fucked, but the country is fucked too. My house is on the market (yeah, right, because I'm really going to sell it some time soon....) but if I hit lucky and it does go, I'm going to piss off to France. My daughter says "but mum, we have problems here too" but I've yet to see any of the behaviour on the streets where she lives, that I see here. The police there seem to take no shit from any nutters, and the courts are brilliant - my daughter went to a court to do some translation for a company when she first lived there. A guy from Nigeria had been living in France illegally for 10 years, had attempted to rape 3 women, had half a dozen kids and after 10 minutes the Judge just announced he was sending him back! I pissed myself when my girl told me that - I know it sounds extreme, but we could do with someone like him here. We're too busy being politically correct and locking up the wrong people. Why lock up someone who has committed VAT fraud? It's not like they've hurt someone, well, not directly! The guy on here who said lock the burglers up because they'll no longer be out burgling was spot on.

What puzzles me though, is this - if the majority of police officers feel so thoroughly pissed off at this awful situation, why can't you do something about it? I find it strange that in the short space of time since the miners strike, the police have suddenly become ham strung in the way they are allowed to deal with nutcases. It seems to me that in order to break the miners, the police could have done anything under Thatcher's Government, but there is a problem in dealing with little fuckers who are out on the streets terrorising law abiding citizens and taking the lives of people like Gary Newlove, Craig Wass. How can that be? As I've said before, by doing nothing now, we are storing up problems for the future, hanging around street corners now, TWOCing next, burglary, violence, etc - you know the script lads.

My lad expressed an interest in becoming a police officer, at first I encouraged him - now I'm just not sure.

Friday, 11 December 2009

So, let me get this right then?

If I understand most of the guys who have taken time to write on here, you are equally as frustrated as I am. Surely, together we could put some pressure on the appropriate people to fund more officers in problem areas (if someone told me to pay an extra few quid in tax in order to make my life easier, I'd not bat an eyelid!). It seems you are as pissed off with the situation as me (probably more, because you do this for a living and then you read stuff like this when you're off duty). As for the bloke in a cell who has taken umpteen pills..... GOOD!!! Give him a few more!

So, let me get this right then?

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Have I done anything BUT moan?

Oh yes, indeed I have.

Attended meetings various -including meeting with the Police (several times) Councillors (several times) Local youth workers (several times) - the only people I haven't ever had the opportunity of meeting with have been the parents of the little darlings who are out of control.

And no, I don't live on a sink estate, despite how it may appear. The problem is that I live opposite a big wooded park area (I go running through the park, it's well cared for to be fair) but of course, it is a magnet for all the not rights to use for drinking, fighting etc. I accept that a park will attract children, and up to a certain time, I've no issue with that. However, when it comes to having kids pissing about outside the house at all hours of the night and morning, that is when I get mad. I work for a living, I run a charity in my spare time, I've got MS (fortunately it is only mild at the moment, but I do need proper sleep) so I'm not some lazy arse scrote who can lay in bed all day watching Jeremy Kyle and catching up on my sleep - It may seem to some that I am some kind of habitual complainer and I'm not, I've better things to do with my time - but when faced with this constant problem of gangs of kids outside the house, the noise they make, the disturbance, the vandalism (don't forget we've have windows broken, cars done in, burgled etc) it just gets too much and I don't see why I should put up with it.

So there we are, to answer all my critics, I believe I have done all I can to try and make a difference and if for one moment anyone thinks I would run for local council they're mentally backward. Nope, not for me. I'd ruffle too many feathers and end up even more angry than I am now!

Monday, 7 December 2009

Since I left work earlier this evening

I've been to the gym, cooked some dinner, watched a bit of tv and surfed the net for a little while. I was wondering out of curiousity, how many other police related blogs there are? Fucking hundreds!!!! I am tempted to say, "shouldn't you be out arresting criminals and solving low level crime" but that would be churlish.... wouldn't it?

Sunday, 6 December 2009

And there was this time.......

When we heard a carry on outside - nothing unusual around here. But at the same time my lad was just arriving home from his girlfriend's. He came in and said "You won't believe this mum, gang of lads outside, one of em's swinging a baseball bat about". Ahhhh, bless their little hearts, they were clearly planning a game between them...... Yeah, I'm talking rubbish, it was half 11 at night - too late to be practising your swing.... or was it?

Few minutes later another gang of kids arrived, a fight broke out resulting in Mr Baseball bat chasing a young lad into the park screaming "I'll fucking kill you, you bastard", and off they all went into the park. Did the bastard get killed? Dunno me' dears, no reports of a body being found yet and I run through the park every few days - who knows, I may well stumble upon it soon, in a state of decomposure. Shan't be arsed calling the police though, fuck it, if they couldn't be arsed to turn out when the incident was taking place, they won't be fucking bothered about a dead body a few weeks later, will they?

Thursday, 3 December 2009

My friend, the police officer....

OK, I lied, I don't have any friends who are police officers, they all hate me!! No seriously, I do actually have a pal who is a police officer and I also have a pal who is an ex police officer (the latter is my favourite friend...) My friend who is still serving says she hates what her job has become and "this" is not what she signed up for. My other pal who left a few years ago, said it had become an awful job to do and he'd had too many bad experiences whereby he'd attempted to deal with toss bag kids, just starting out their criminal lives, only to have his efforts thwarted at every corner.

I reckon that sadly, we are stuck with this shitty society, we have a small handful of officers who really do give a shit about the public and I applaud them. The rest of them are as the last few days suggests, pathetic jobsworths who believe that they are hard done to and people like me should simply accept that society is lawless and stop my whinging, leaving them to complete a bit more uneccessary paper work and catch a few more speeding motorists.


I have never, ever, agreed with soft policing methods. When I was a child and I saw a police officer, I would almost bow my head with respect, it was like being close to a minister or man of the cloth! Even now, if a police car is behind me in traffic, I automatically feel under pressure to drive to Advanced standards (yes I did my advanced test because I care about road safety, the safety of others etc) - so even now, knowing how the police really can't/won't do anything to help me, I still have a fair bit of respect for them. But you know what? That is down to my upbringing - I was brought up to respect my elders, behave myself, work hard at school, etc, I'm sure you get the picture.

I firmly believe we now live in a lawless society and I feel strongly enough about this to have written to MPs and guess what? They don't give a flying fuck either. My issue with the police is not so much what you do, it's what you don't do. Why can't you deal with these feral kids properly? We have prisons full of people who ought not to be there, and streets full of people who should!!!! The world is on its head and I am sick and tired of it.

So to summarise - I never got what I asked for because I never requested it. I never wanted hundreds of kids outside my house wreaking havoc and behaving like little bastards - I never wanted both my front windows putting through with huge bricks, I equally never wanted the police and insurers to interrogate ME when they were put through - what is that all about? Where had I been? Who was I with? What did my son see? (Well, actually lads, he saw someone looking through the window with a pint in his hand about 20 minutes prior - my lad went out to the shop in his car and when he came back the windows were both through - he drove around the block again, and saw the same bloke standing in the local pub doorway having a fag - did the police officer go and have a word with anyone at the pub - did they balls - but then why should they, that's not good evidence is it - same bloke peering through the window with pint in his hand just before the windows were smashed....) So whilst I was the "victim" here (here we go, nice bit of "low level " crime for you to opine about) I was made to feel as if I was in fact, the perpretator.

Anyway, I digress, what exactly did I "ask for"? Enlighten me please.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

One more for the road

Thought I'd share this one with you, just before I retire for the night (tend to try to get to bed early most nights, just in case I'm disturbed in the early hours).

During the early hours of one summer weekend, I had the pleasure of listening to "John and Sara" who were screaming outside the house for over 20 minutes. At one point Sara started screaming and crying and John said "Oh fucking hell Sara, what's happened, you came out of the park with your knickers round your ankles what's happened" Well as you might imagine, despite the fact I wanted to kill John and Sara, I started to panic and wondered if this girl had been attacked. I mean, knickers around ankles?? Either she'd gone for a pee, been so pissed she couldn't pull them back up (most likely explanation) or she'd been having sex in the woods and forgot to get dressed properly (highly likely explanation) or she'd been attacked - (possible explanation).

So, with a heavy heart I called the police and began the ritual of explaining what was going on. In the meantime, John and Sara continued their scrapping outside my house, her screaming and crying, him bollocking he up and down. She was so pissed you couldn't make out what she was saying.

Did the police turn up? I've no idea, I was past caring by the time I'd been listening to this for 3 quarters of an hour.

Anyway, bed time for me - plenty more where this came from - bet you'e all glued to your seats aren't you?

Touched a nerve have I?

It's not all about as "anonymous" suggests, me, me, me, far from it. As police officers, I actually feel quite sorry for you. What I object to is the total lack of common sense, and the fact that no-one really seems to give a shit about what my family have gone through. You know, that family that I have cared for, for many a long year, my children who have grown into adults that I am proud of - unlike the little bastards around here, who have been dragged up. In the absence of any parental control or guidance, the only people I have to rely on for the safety of myself and my family (oh bollocks, is that a bit too me, me, me, to expect officers of the law to actually offer me a little protection..?) are the police.

I am a tax payer, why can't I expect to receive assistance when I need it? Why should I have to listen to gangs of fucking idiots right outside my front door, every single night? Gangs of kids gathering together making fucking a god awful noise?

If you think I'm being ever so slightly over the top, then ideally, you need to come and witness it for yourself. I have already invited the Chief Constable of GMP to come for dinner one evening, let him see how I have to live. I'll show my arse on the steps of the town hall if that were to happen.

So you just carry on with your soft policing - just carry on letting these evil bastard children get away with..,. I almost said murder then - bit of a Fraudien slip - because there are times when it does.