Tuesday, 1 December 2009

One more for the road

Thought I'd share this one with you, just before I retire for the night (tend to try to get to bed early most nights, just in case I'm disturbed in the early hours).

During the early hours of one summer weekend, I had the pleasure of listening to "John and Sara" who were screaming outside the house for over 20 minutes. At one point Sara started screaming and crying and John said "Oh fucking hell Sara, what's happened, you came out of the park with your knickers round your ankles what's happened" Well as you might imagine, despite the fact I wanted to kill John and Sara, I started to panic and wondered if this girl had been attacked. I mean, knickers around ankles?? Either she'd gone for a pee, been so pissed she couldn't pull them back up (most likely explanation) or she'd been having sex in the woods and forgot to get dressed properly (highly likely explanation) or she'd been attacked - (possible explanation).

So, with a heavy heart I called the police and began the ritual of explaining what was going on. In the meantime, John and Sara continued their scrapping outside my house, her screaming and crying, him bollocking he up and down. She was so pissed you couldn't make out what she was saying.

Did the police turn up? I've no idea, I was past caring by the time I'd been listening to this for 3 quarters of an hour.

Anyway, bed time for me - plenty more where this came from - bet you'e all glued to your seats aren't you?

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