Thursday, 3 December 2009


I have never, ever, agreed with soft policing methods. When I was a child and I saw a police officer, I would almost bow my head with respect, it was like being close to a minister or man of the cloth! Even now, if a police car is behind me in traffic, I automatically feel under pressure to drive to Advanced standards (yes I did my advanced test because I care about road safety, the safety of others etc) - so even now, knowing how the police really can't/won't do anything to help me, I still have a fair bit of respect for them. But you know what? That is down to my upbringing - I was brought up to respect my elders, behave myself, work hard at school, etc, I'm sure you get the picture.

I firmly believe we now live in a lawless society and I feel strongly enough about this to have written to MPs and guess what? They don't give a flying fuck either. My issue with the police is not so much what you do, it's what you don't do. Why can't you deal with these feral kids properly? We have prisons full of people who ought not to be there, and streets full of people who should!!!! The world is on its head and I am sick and tired of it.

So to summarise - I never got what I asked for because I never requested it. I never wanted hundreds of kids outside my house wreaking havoc and behaving like little bastards - I never wanted both my front windows putting through with huge bricks, I equally never wanted the police and insurers to interrogate ME when they were put through - what is that all about? Where had I been? Who was I with? What did my son see? (Well, actually lads, he saw someone looking through the window with a pint in his hand about 20 minutes prior - my lad went out to the shop in his car and when he came back the windows were both through - he drove around the block again, and saw the same bloke standing in the local pub doorway having a fag - did the police officer go and have a word with anyone at the pub - did they balls - but then why should they, that's not good evidence is it - same bloke peering through the window with pint in his hand just before the windows were smashed....) So whilst I was the "victim" here (here we go, nice bit of "low level " crime for you to opine about) I was made to feel as if I was in fact, the perpretator.

Anyway, I digress, what exactly did I "ask for"? Enlighten me please.


  1. I would like to help - difficult on a public site- but i can post an anon email if you like?

    I know we wouldnt allow your sit to exist here on my policing area... we wouldnt...

    since you ask though...

    Did you see g20 protests (read mini-riot) ???

    see the bobby slap a woman protester?

    see the papers?

    see him suspended pending IPCC ?

    no-doubt looking for another job... I would be...

    now- if you get susp for hitting someone in a violent disorder- what would happen if you hit a youth?

    I would be be arrested...

    far fetched? seen it...

    we voted for the gov (we meaning us the public- police dont go home to another world without issue- ???) ... we allowed (with some glee) the police to be dissed at EVERY opp in the papers- We allowed our Police to be scared of their own shadows...

    we did...

    now we are reaping the rewards...

  2. I'd like that. But you can bet I've heard it a million times before. However I'd welcome a fresh opinion - - not me of course but an email address you can use!!!

  3. ok- i will...

    for me your blog is like saying- all Doctors are murderers - yes- like that Harold Shipman...

    too general...

    before we go any further- i would like to appologise for any offence i may have caused- i am quite protective of my job- i take it VERY seriously... anyway...

  4. Apology accepted - I'm not saying all police officers are shite - really I'm not - I am drawing from my own experiences and I'm afraid that the attitude of the majority of officers that I've had contact with, has been very short of the mark - so I only have my own experience to draw from.
