Monday, 14 December 2009

I'm never usually wrong.....

But when I am, I'm the first to admit it. (Not like a woman mm?)

When I first started writing this a few weeks ago, I didn't expect anyone else to see it. I wanted it to be seen and I stuck it on a couple of other websites in a fit of pique, hoping some police officers would react to it, but to be honest, I didn't think many people would read it and I was simply intending it to be a way of venting my spleen every time the "little fuckers" started their carryings on outside the house. I'd gotten myself in that much of a state about it, I actually rang a police pal of mine and asked him what would happen if I got a real gun and took it out to them (not loaded of course, albeit the temptation would have been so great) - He told me I'd be arrested and I'd not be treated lightly. Fucking great. I decided ranting on here would help!

I began by saying what a load of old bollocks the Police Pledge is (and I still think it leaves you guys exposed) however, judging from some of the comments on here, it seems that my attitude is not dissimilar to most peoples, the police aren't doing a brilliant job in my eyes, but I understand more now, that they are pretty hamstrung by stupid legislation, the complexities of paper work and the lack of support from the Courts.

All that said, I've been told by a few people to approach my MP - I have done this previously, but hey, why not try again?

I am still convinced we are living in lawless society, I fear for children of good, decent families, I fear for the safety of the elderly and vulnerable and I also fear for the safety of police officers. I now fully appreciate that there are times when you simply can't get to a call out because you don't have enough men on the ground, and ultimately a gang of "little fuckers" pissing me off so much I could cry, is never going to be put above a stabbing or a rape, and I'd never expect it to. What I do expect though, is when I do make a call and you do manage to get there, that I am spoken to in a manner that you'd expect to be spoken to yourselves.

If you came into my office and asked me to assist you with your divorce case, I wouldn't start to question you and ask why you were getting a divorce, ask you if you've been a bit of a git with your spouse, (actually I wouldn't do anything because I do PR & Marketing!!) but I'm sure you appreciate the point I'm trying to make.


  1. Well done you for starting this. The whole lawlessness thing should be an issue at the next election. If a government cant or wont look after its own citizens whats the point of it being their. Fuck sorting out the middle east lets sort out our ouw coutnry

  2. I'm sure when I show this to the local MPs they'll think I'm a nutter myself, all effing and blinding I've been doing, but this is what I've been driven to!!!!

    As for sorting things out here, well it seems we are a bit too fond of rushing off to "help" in places where we ought not to and the places that could do with a bit of assistance but there are no commercial or financial reasons for us to be involved, we stand back - El Salvador, for example - but don't even get me at it.

  3. It's a breath of fresh air to discover sites like yours S & T.

    Sites that frequently express angrily, the voice of so many who agree with you, who are just about fed up with the decay in our society.

    Occasional outbursts of colourful language are fine with most, as they are a fraction of what we hear from the feral yobs out there. In any case, when used in the right contect, it helps convey the frustration and ager felt by so many who are perhaps less courageous to speak their mind.

    Sites like yours and the police bloggers atract attention and will hopefully play their part in the reforms that are so desperately needed. Inspector Gadget started as a nlog, and he now writes for the Times Online site. WPC Bloggs is regularly approached for interviews by the media. We have been approached by one of the political parties who are keen to hear what the real people think.

    Massive changes are needed, from parental control (forced if necessary), to the processes onstructing coppers from the common sense policing they and we want, to the box ticking Crown Service and Courts system, and finally to the overhwhelmed Prison problem.

    All of these topics are included on sites like ours and the ones mentioned before. What has been missing up until now is an active voice from the real public of the nation.

    Something that really helps encourage more visitors and supporters is for each site to refer to sites they find that contain worthwhile and meaningful debates on subjects that matter to us all.

    I will start the ball rolling and put your site link in our navigation side bar so all the visitors (police, politicians, judiciary members of the public) have an increased chance of finding your pages.

    We get hits from all over the place now, having linked our sites to twitter, linked in, blog directories, google etc. The vast majority of it is free (I went on search engine optimization, google and internet marketing courses that gave loads of free advice for increasing traffic, so shout up if you want any help).

    There are free blog directories where you can search for other bloggers out there interested in venting their spleen about the subjects we are all interested in. You can start by checking all the links on the sites you visit, and adding their site as a link to yours. Hopefully, some will reciprocate and put a link to your site, so the traffic moves from one to another, adding comments and enriching the quality still further. There is lierally loads of free stuff out there that all helps spread the word for you.

    If I can be of any help, shout up. In the meantime, keep up the good work! May you become a significant voice of the many.

    Kind Regards


    (I don't like putting e mails in posts, but if you want to e mail me, you'll find an address on our site you can use).

  4. Yes, the policing pledge is meaningless rhetoric forced onto the police by the home office.

    There are some useful points but they're generally surrounded by chaff.

    If I COULD spend 80% of my time on the beat, I would. Unlikely that's going to happen in the next few years though :)

  5. See you got more satisfaction from your blog than the Policing Pledge.

    Yet we are still very restricted what we can comment on in case we bring our Force into disrepute.

    I hope you keep your blog going and update us on your progress.

